“…My responsibility is to promote the health of the community and the persons I serve…
I respect and cherish the lives of all persons… I will seek the knowledge and inspiration of my colleagues whenever my patients’ needs require…
I will strive to prevent disease and to correct adverse social conditions. I will serve as both a teacher and a role model for my patients, my successors, and the public.
…If I honor this oath, may I be granted fulfillment and joy in my practice of the art, respected while I live, and remembered with affection thereafter.”
Welcome to Preservation Dental®
If you are visiting for the first time, take a moment to “meet” our professional staff and learn about our practice. Hello again if you are returning…and thanks.
It is always a pleasure to attend the “White Coat” ceremony at my alma mater, University of Detroit Mercy. It is an event where they welcome new students to the dental program – in hygiene and in dentistry. The students take a professional oath – and it is always a great reminder for me, and for my colleagues in the audience. I would like to share it with you.
In light of all I hold sacred, in the presence of my family, friends and teachers, I pledge to fulfill my obligation as a member of the healing professions.
My responsibility is to promote the health of the community and the persons I serve. The health of my patients will be my first commitment.
My privileges depend upon the trust of my patients. I will not violate that trust. I will respect all that is confided in me. I will not do harm.
I will honor my patients’ dignity. I will be their zealous advocate, guided by their will, sensitive to their feelings, needs and thoughts.
I respect and cherish the lives of all persons. I will not discriminate against any person in my decisions and care. I recognize the limits of my competence. I will seek the knowledge and inspiration of my colleagues whenever my patients’ needs require. I will strive to improve the knowledge and skills I profess to have. I am responsible for contributing to an improved community.
I will strive to prevent disease and to correct adverse social conditions. I will serve as both a teacher and a role model for my patients, my successors, and the public.
I am responsible for upholding my profession’s integrity. I will strive to counsel those deficient in character or competence and expose those who engage in fraud or deception. I will not use my medical knowledge in any way contrary to the laws of humanity.
With this oath, I willingly assume these responsibilities.
If I honor this oath, may I be granted fulfillment and joy in my practice of the art, respected while I live, and remembered with affection thereafter.
At Preservation Dental® we do our best to honor this professional oath. We offer personalized service and individual care choices for patients of all ages – from children to teens to adults to senior citizens – we tailor treatment plans to meet individual needs. The philosophy of our staff is one of care and concern, and the promotion of current clinical information and patient education. Our team is trained to help you find the most affordable solution to your dental needs and to make dental visits fit your busy schedule.
It is a pleasure to welcome you to PreservationDental.com, enjoy your stay. If we can be of further assistance, contact us by phone, email or a personal visit to our historic location.
William S. Demray, DDS